
Showing posts from February, 2014

Another day as a teacher

I just want to take a break for a while before I continue with all the workloads that I need to carry. Well I just want to talk about what I did and going to do today taught 5 periods straight.  forgot my phone.  took attendance of 4D find relief teacher for tomorrow. finish all the work before District Track and Field games make heap of letters for students who keep missing schools.  write record books stock take for my spbt (i still have many classes to go) mark some books for their essays and comprehension exercises (still got too many) wow, I have so many things to do everyday. Haha.. Well I better get going. Or else, I won't be able to finish all work. And I am planning to play volleyball this afternoon. Yeah, at least I'll have some fun with the boys and girls. kiki

Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Hi now you're seeing me again after a long time of not posting here. Now I have something to write about, so I feel like telling you. Today, I went to Kampus or College or Kampung E or whatever you want to call it for breakfast before I went for my examination. When I set my foot there, I was really shocked that the place was really horrible with lots of rubbish on the table as well as stains on the floor. I couldn't believe it that the place is actually a University and it is within the perimeter of the UMS Main Campus. So, if you see a lot of rubbish there what do you think of the students there? They don't seem to be having consciousness about civic. Don't you think so? So whoever think that they are from the UMS and you think you're campus is clean. Think again, it's because of the cleaning engineers that make the place clean. I'm sure without the engineers, UMS would be rubbish filled field. Sorry for the comments. I was just saying about the Univ