
Showing posts from February, 2021


 Travelling has always been on my mind these few days just because I've been binge watching Joanna Salein on her journey to many parts of the word tracking history.  I always wonder how it's like to travel without thinking you'll be on short of money. I can just spend my money on experiences that I could never buy anywhere.  I love travelling. When I was studying in New Zealand in 2007 and 2008, I'd always looking forward to holidays. I was extremely excited when I comes to road trips. The best road trip that I had was South Island road trip in winter. I was amazing.  Memang sukar untuk digambarkan dengan kata-kata apabila aku pergi memandu di Pulau Selatan, New Zealand. Semua pemandangan yang aku lihat semuanya mirip dalam gambar. Bukan gambar biasa-biasa tetapi gambar yang macam dalam kalendar yang kita biasa lihat di rumah. Ianya sangat mempesonakan. Aku sangat kagum dengan ciptaan Allah. Mungkin juga disebabkan aku dapat melihat jauh sehingga saujana mata memandang.


 Adulthood When I was young I was so eager to be an adult. Little did I know about being an adult. I imagined being an adult was being free from parents and earn own money and I could travel to the far and wide distance.  But   I was totally wrong about it. I hate being an adult. I just hate it. Since becoming an adult, I've had so much responsibilities that I need to fulfil. Okay, I'm sleepy now. See? I told you. Adult can sleep later than 10 pm. Sleepy already. Okay bye. 


Anecdote. I was born in a family where education wasn't as important as putting food on the table. I could say that, I was born in a poor family but food wasn't scarce. My father was a hardworking man whose first priority was to make sure we were all fed and got educated.  The earliest memory I had was when I was playing hide and seek with my siblings or maybe my friends. I hid behind a plank of wood which was place upright. I didn't realised there was a nail sticking out of it and it cut my thigh. It was big - about 3 centimetres long and the cut was deep but I was too afraid to let my parents know about it. Hence, I wasn't brought to the hospital for stitching and  the scar was a big as ever. Still visible till today.  Besides, I also remember when I was young and carefree, I loved to climb the guava trees in front of my house. It wasn't ours. It was our neighbours trees but they didn't mind the village kids climb it and pick the guavas. Big, small and even th

Over Expecting

 Again, I'm just writing for fun and I'm sure every opinion matters.  It's is very worrisome how the principle are pushing their teachers to do work more than they can do. During this pandemic where teachers are suppose to do their job online, some principle are forcing their teachers to go to school and fulfil the online teaching at school even though they know the school internet connection isn't stable and good.  Some teachers like me myself, have superior internet connection at home where I'm using fibre and it's so much easier for me to do my job especially when I do google meet as well as personal video call with my pupils to assist them with their work. On the contrary, when I'm at the school, I'm forced to use my own personal hotspot from my phone which I can say it's a lot spottier and the connection isn't as good as when I'm at home.  I jst need to channel my frustration here. Okay that's it for today. 

After so many years

 Oh my god, after so many years I haven't visited my website aka blog. Haha things have changed this days. People don't read other people blogs anymore. They just mind their own business, are they? lol. They aren't. They are even nosier nowadays reading Facebook comments and latest gossips that keep changing every now and then.  Well, I don't know what makes me jump to this page. I was looking through my files and found a bog from an old acquittance who is She hasn't been writing much also. Last post I saw from her was in 2010 which was the year I was interviewed by her before I got the permanent job as a teacher in Semporna. This is the year of pandemic, we're having a crisis of Covid-19 which is spreading like wildfire, actually even worst than that. It already has taken all countries in this world, infecting many and killed a lot more than we can imagine.  All flights are affected and many are stranded. I was stranded too with my fa