
Showing posts from July, 2008

Muhammad S. A. W. In The Bible

Bible prophecies about the advent of Muhammad S.A.W Abraham is widely regarded as the Patriarch of monotheism and the common father of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Though His second son, Isaac, came all the Israelite prophets including such towering figures as Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus. May peace and blessings be upon them all. The advent of these great prophets was in partial fulfilment of God's promises to bless the nations of earth through the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 12:2-3). Such fulfilment is wholeheartedly accepted by Muslims whose faith considers the belief in and respect of all Prophets and article of faith. Blessings of Ishmael and Isaac Was the first born son of Abraham (Ishmael) and his descendants included in God's covenant and promise? A few verses from Bible may help shed some light on this question; Genesis 12:2-3 speaks of Gods promise to Abraham and his descendants before child was born to him. Genesis 17:4 reiterates Gods pro

I hate it

Here is what I want to tell you people. It's weird to see other people who don't appreciate what others have given them, helped them or did anything good to them. It's just weird. I have no idea why these people are like this. I never want to ask for anything. Anything at all. But this happened recently. I just hate to mentioned or elaborate about it too much but here is what I feel sick about. I was promised (I always take other people's word as promise) to be given some food after work. Arghh...I really hate to write about it. . okay. . I stop here. Lets not talk about it anymore. Lets just talk about the moral of the story. The moral of the story is, it's in Bahasa Melayu hati nyamuk sama dicicah, hati gajah sama dilapah which means we have to share everything. If the amount of the food is too little, then the wise men should know how to divide it so that everyone would get it. Ok ok ok. . .I was mengarut-ing up there. But I really hate it hate it hate it. . heh

Winter Break @ South Island

href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CFauzi%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"> June 24, 2008 Tuesday This is the second journey I made this winter holiday after studies stopped few weeks ago. I am really happy now as I just saw sleet rain fell from the sky and hit my wind screen of the black Toyota Previa that I was driving. It was really exciting as it was my first time to see such an amazing thing. Okay, this was roughly what happened today. I slept really late at about 3 a.m. after I finished packing for stuff to bring to South Island. Then I was awakened by the tone of my Sony Ericson PDA phone calling like “where did you get your body from? I got it from my mama” at about 5.00 a.m. in the morning. I was really sleepy at that time and I replied to Syafiq telling him that to call me at 0550. He did but I ignored it because I was in the shower. Then I walked to Syafiq’s house but the shuttle took me before I could get to his place. Arrived at