
Showing posts from 2010

Gambaran Kiamat

Gambaran Hari Qiamat ✐ Selepas Malaikat Israfil meniup sangkakala (bentuknya seperti tanduk besar) yang memekakkan telinga, seluruh makhluk mati kecuali Izrail & beberapa malaikat yang lain. Selepas itu, Izrail pun mencabut nyawa malaikat yang tinggal dan akhirnya nyawanya sendiri. ✐ Selepas semua makhluk mati, Tuhan pun berfirman mafhumnya "Kepunyaan siapakah kerajaan hari ini?" Tiada siapa yang menjawab. Lalu Dia sendiri menjawab dengan keagunganNya "Kepunyaan Allah Yang Maha Esa lagi Maha Perkasa." Ini menunjukkan kebesaran & keagunganNya sebagai Tuhan yg Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Kekal Hidup, tidak mati. ✐ Selepas 40 tahun, Malaikat Israfil a.s. dihidupkan, seterusnya meniup sangkakala untuk kali ke-2, lantas seluruh makhluk hidup semula di atas bumi putih, berupa padang Mahsyar (umpama padang Arafah) yang rata tidak berbukit atau bulat seperti bumi. ✐ Sekelian manusia hidup melalui benih anak Adam yg disebut "Ajbuz Zanbi" yang berada di hujung tula...

What's love?

When I am in love I live. I sleep. I do what I want. I care. I love. I hate. Just don't, don't dig in too deep. Just leave. Just leave the past behind. Look. Look into the future. Cherish the present. Fight. Argument. They are salt and pepper in life. Love is not what we say. I love you. It's simple. Everyone can say this. Love is what we do. We wait. We care. We wait. We care. We can wait as long as it take. I love you. I love you so much. But sometimes, a person don't show. Don't show their love. They hide it. Ego. Thanks to Ego. Ego makes it so. But deep down in their heart is love. They love but they don't show. It's just difficult. I love. I love. Those three words are just a mere words. Actions do the rest. However, action can only take place when two are together. Not necessarily. Just that from me. I love.

Kereta : Penjimatan Petrol

Seringkali kita perkatakan tentang penggunaan minyak kenderaan kita yang semakin mahal. Bukan sahaja didebabkan oleh kenaikan harga bahan api di Malaysia bahkan di dunia ini sendiri. Secara umumnya, bahan api memang sangat banyak tetapi propaganda yang dibuat-buat oleh orang barat terutamanya syarikat pencarigali minyak seperti BP, Shell, Petronas dan lain-lain. Jadi, ikutilah tip-tip dari saya ini untuk membantu anda sendiri menjimatkan minyak kereta anda selain dapat menambah duit dalam akaun bank anda. :) 1. Kurangkan tekan minyak Jika anda jenis suka tekan minyak, cuba kurangkan tekan minyak anda. Sekiranya anda menggunakan kereta jenis automatik, jangan terus tekan minyak secara melulu untuk mendapatkan kelajuan dengan pantas. Tekan perlahan-lahan dan anda akan dapat rasakan yang kereta anda menukar gear secara perlahan-lahan. Ini dapat membantu menjimatkan petrol anda. Selain dari itu, tahukah anda bahawa penggunaan minyak anda boleh diturunkan sebanyak 15 peratus (%) sekiranya a...

A new teacher experience a new life!

Salamm and Hello, We meet again after so long that I haven't write anything here. I went to school today and I got a comment telling me that some people are backbiting me. I don't know who the persons are however, I don't give a damn about them. I really hate to say this but it must be said and people should know that If you have a problem with someone please tell that someone so that the problem is clarified. I have no idea what I said that offended some people here in Perfect ( a very small town, far far away from civilization, ironically it's not perfect at all). I just can't bear it when got to know about it from other person, thank god I have some one who is kind to me. She told me about it and I am now cautious with whom am I going to talk to and how. I don't think I'll make friends with anyone from here anymore. I'll just keep everything to myself. It's better that way. Be with yourself. Play with yourself. Have no word with the others. I jus...


Salam and Hello, Welcome to my blog, once again I salute you. I'm currently in teaching in Semporna, Sabah and how I love this place very much. It is one of the beautiful places that you can find in Malaysia or probably the world. However, because the people who live here in Semporna who do not know (ignorant) about conserving the environment, the place has becoming polluted with rubbish and oil spills. Don't blame me for all these. I don't know and I just came here. Here is a little bit information about Semporna. Semporna is a very small town located in Tawau Division , in the east coast of Sabah , Malaysia on the island of Borneo . Its population was estimated to be around 133,000 in 2006. They have quite a number of people here but the living standard is very high compared to the wages that they earn everyday (most of them). However, I can see that there are many rich people around the town as well. So, I can say that the wealth distribution of the place is not even. T...