
Showing posts from 2011

Mari Buat Lampu Guna Botol Soda

Ada penduduk di Brazil yang memang penyedia perkhidmatan elekrik yang hampeh. So mereka mengambil inisiatif untuk membuat lampu mereka sendiri. Tetapi lampu ini memang tidak menggunakan elektrik langsung. :P Sangat menarik dan creative. :) Sepatutnya kita semua dah lama guna sahaja cahaya matahari ini. Bagus. Kita perlukan orang yang kreative-kreative macam ni dalam dunia supaya benda yang kita buang tiap-tiap hari boleh dijadikan benda yang bermanfaat kepada kehidupan harian kita. :) Caiyok... tengok ni.. dan cuba buat kat rumah.Lampu ini menyamai 50w metol. :)


Hadis dari Abu Dzar r.a. bahawa Rasulallah SAW yang bermaksud, “Tidak ada lain dari anak Adam itu sedekah pada tiap-tiap hari yang naik matahari padanya.” Bertanya para sahabat, “ "Dari mana datangnya harta untuk kami bersedekah wahai Rasulallah?” Sabda Nabi, “Bahawa pintu-pintu kebajikan itu banyak; Tasbih, Takbir, Tahlil, Amar makruf dan nahi (mencegah) mungkar, membuang duri di jalan, mendengar orang pekak, menunjuk jalan kepada orang buta, menunjuk arah perjalanan kepada yang meminta ditunjuk, memberi air minuman kepada yang dahaga, menolong meringankan beban orang yang tidak berdaya. Semua itu sedekah bagi diri kamu.” Malah dalam riwayat yang lain menambah, “Senyum anda terhadap saudara anda adalah sedekah.” (Hadis riwayat Ibn Hiban dan Al Baihaqi)

continuation to "Really Traditional Masssage (Mystical)"

Well, I went to the place again yesterday (19th January 2011) to further check up and I was told beforehand to bring a small bottle by Agus as an additional stuff to the stuffs that the Pakcik wanted me to bring to complete the 'ritual'. Here I call it a ritual for I have no idea what the real thing is. Then, Irmaz and I went to fetch Agustina at her residency and then we went straight to the Jalan Bukit Kamiri where the humble Pakcik and his beloved family reside. We arrived there at about 7 pm (+8 Malaysian Time) ;P, and luckily I remember to bring torch light from Syahmi to tread the bush in a small truck-way heading to the Pakcik's house. The old rusty gate was chained and padlocked so that no vehicles can pass so we had to brave on foot by passing in a small hole beside the gate. It took about 5 minutes to get there like I said before. Well, when we were almost there, as usual (as if I come there often) the dogs came after us and barked at us while surrounding us. We d

Really Traditional Massage (Mystical)

After I have been feeling painful shoulder and joins especially around ankles and soars almost everyday, I decided to ask my friend, an ustazah to find me a person who can help with the massage. She found a person who is a 'bidan', a person who usually massage a pregnant women if anything happens to their carriage. However, the bidan wasn't available and couldn't be reached via phone so she cancelled it and ask Agustina Oskar to find a person for me. Well, here the story starts. I went to see Agustina today (17 january 2011) to take me to see the Pakcik. I don't know the pakcik's name for I forgot to ask him. Haha...Along the way, we stopped by to get two boxes of cigarrets for the pakcik cause he asked for it. After we arrived at the place we had to brave through a palm oil plantation in the pitch black night. We had to go through the dark palm oil plantation with a cellphone torchlight, it was not very bright for us to see what was coming. I couldn't use m