continuation to "Really Traditional Masssage (Mystical)"

Well, I went to the place again yesterday (19th January 2011) to further check up and I was told beforehand to bring a small bottle by Agus as an additional stuff to the stuffs that the Pakcik wanted me to bring to complete the 'ritual'. Here I call it a ritual for I have no idea what the real thing is.

Then, Irmaz and I went to fetch Agustina at her residency and then we went straight to the Jalan Bukit Kamiri where the humble Pakcik and his beloved family reside. We arrived there at about 7 pm (+8 Malaysian Time) ;P, and luckily I remember to bring torch light from Syahmi to tread the bush in a small truck-way heading to the Pakcik's house. The old rusty gate was chained and padlocked so that no vehicles can pass so we had to brave on foot by passing in a small hole beside the gate. It took about 5 minutes to get there like I said before.

Well, when we were almost there, as usual (as if I come there often) the dogs came after us and barked at us while surrounding us. We didn't run as suggested by the housekeepers so we stand still and walking slowly towards the slippery wooden steps to get onto the house, however, Agus was in a shock so she fell for she slipped off the slippery wooden steps. I forgot to tell you that the day was gloomy and muggy for it rained for the whole day. Then we got into the house.

The pakcik was asking about the bottle that I brought. I showed him a small but bulky 'budu' bottle for him to fill in some oil. However, he said, "You don't want to put the oil in the bottle for it's too bulky for you to carry it everywhere." I was snapped into reality, I was thinking, "What? Do I have to carry the bottle everywhere I go? No way I'll carry such stuff in this modern world and it would be suspicious to see bulky pocket. And I'm carrying oil? No way?" Well, the Pakcik further his speech,

"You need to carry the Minyak Jelek (Pronounce as MEYucK Gellick) every where you go, and you must take a very good care of it as this ointment is really powerful. Once you wear it you are no longer your old self for you'll become one with my ancestors and you'll be as powerful as them. By the power of the ointment, you'll be able to relieve from any pain that you endure in your lifetime. You will also be able to ask for anything that you want, you may soon become a principal of the school if you wish to be one. However, if you want to hit someone, please make sure that you try a soft one first for you won't be yourself anymore. You'll be stronger and I won't be liable to anything that happen to the person. One more thing that you must remember, you should come here once in a while to pay a visit to the ancestors for they are the ones that help you with all that and don't forget to bring some Surya (a brand of cigarrets) as offerings."

During the talk, I felt weird and goosebumps and it sent chill to my spine. I was so unrest and beats of sweats were sliding down my flawless skin. (haha) I was wet. I kept thinking of what the hell is going on and I became rational and I asked the Pakcik, "Pakcik, can I cancel all this for I don't think I'll be able to endure such burden and I'm not really a responsible person." "Well son, it is entirely up to you. I can't force you to take it." After an while of awkward silence, I said "Pakcik I'm sorry but I refused to have the Minyak Jelek". And the Pakcik continued, "If you refuse to have it now, it's okay. I'm not going to force to have it. It's entirely up to you. You should leave all the stuffs here and if you change your mind and you want the ointment please come back and have it resume."

After a while, we didn't really talk about taking it or not I changed the subject by asking Pakcik, how long has he been a traditional medicine practitioner and some other stuffs. Later at about 9 ish, we left the house and I resume my life like a normal. End of the story.

PS: Some parts are altered. Thank You. The story is not exactly as told.


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