
Showing posts from April, 2008

Sociolinguistics at VUW

Sociolinguistics I'm just soo busy and stressed out lately. I have no idea that being a student is so frustrating. I just completed my Socioinguistics assignment and handed it in yesterday. It was a relief after a hard work that I put on it. Not sure what I'll get though, hopefully colourful result. Ah well, let's not talk about sociolinguistics. It's boring as hell. I have no idea why it is a compulsory subject for me. It has nothing to do with teaching English. I just have to bear with it until then end of this semester and done. No more sociolinguistics. Do not get me wrong. I love linguistics, just that this sociolinguistics is too narrow in contexts. Not really what I was expected from it before I enrolled. However, I love other linguistics courses that I took last trimester (Early Words and Interpersonal Communication). The end of it Till I write again (hard for me to write something) ps: I'm also frustrated cause I don't get to go out often now. Well, it&

Experience as a checkout operator

Working as a checkout operator is always overrated by most people. I have no idea why but at first as a customer before I work as a checkout operator I thought that the work is easy, just scan the items and chuck them into bags. Oh well, it was before. After I started working as a cashier about a month ago i started to realise that the work is actually harder than I thought. Why is it difficult? At first you have to be fast, this is boring because you're not going to get better payment even if you're so fast like a superman or the flash anyway. If you work too slow you'll most probably be fired. Oh well, I'm not slow just moderate cause I want to be moderate. Second, you need to be really patient because there are many type of people do their shopping at that place where I a working right now. There was one time, I was working at night and there was a guy who was wanted to buy his groceries and placed it on my counter. After I scanned the items and put them in the bags

South Island New Zealand

I had a road trip to cover my tour in New Zealand. I travelled in the North Island last year and this year, I thought why not I travel in the South. Oh well I did cover the South Island, from Picton to Picton. I travelled to all the cities in the East Coast and All the Cities in the West Coast. Here is the stories and what I did. Actually before you read, I was in a budget so I didn't do many expensive activities that could kill you (lit erally kill you) like bungy, sky diving or rafting. lol. I didn't feel like doing all the things because I prefer to see the sceneries and enjoy the ambiance. The Starting Point Everything started at Wellington when I took the ferr y to Picton. The ferry fee was NZD52 from Wellington to Picton. It was an awesome journey because the weather was fine. I was lucky about it or else I would easily get sick in a voyage.In the ferry,I went to the top deck to see the view from it. There are many islands because the ferry went through a sound to

Bitter Experience in NZ

I have something to say about a car rental company that really bad in handling customers and racist as I called it.  It happened on my trip in New Zealand South Island at Picton . As I disembarked from Interislander ferry I head out to the place where I had made a booking through the internet. The place is called Ace Rental Cars . I went to the place and I was the only customer at that time. I went to the very senior lady who happened to be a clerk there. Oh, don't ask me about the lady. She doesn't even have a computer skill I can say cause she can't even use a mouse. She just type in and asked me why that doesn't come out? "Oh well, of course it didn't come out, You didn't click on the BOX" I don't want to talk about her but I want to talk about her service there. When she was serving me, she asked me to pay the rest of the balance when I booked online. I tried to pay using my credit card but it was declined. I didn't know what had happened a