Save Energy? Save it!

OK here is the deal. I recently heard someone said to me (not directly, covertly I may say) that laptop consumes more energy than a desktop. So, that really made me feels sick of the deceit. Hence, I made a little research about which saves more energy? Here there are some facts about desktop vs. laptops.

1. Comparing the 30W for a powerful notebook (including LCD screen) with the 120W desktop PC plus the 80 W CRT screen, savings could really be up to 80%. And even in the notebooks intended as 'desktop replacement', with a larger screen (up to 16-17") and less aggressive power management settings, the savings are still well over 50%. (

2. If you are considering buying a new computer, you may want to keep in mind that a laptop consumes significantly less power than a desktop, with 50% to 80% energy savings over a desktop (depending on model).

3. In areas with blackouts and power-surges the notebook (batteries included) could save even more. In these area's desktop PCs would typically require the backup of a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to keep you from losing data. And a UPS is not only a significant extra cost, it is also a significant energy-eater. (

4. A laptop will give you annual computer-related energy savings of as much as 50 percent over a desktop. For additional savings, enable the sleep mode on your laptop after five minutes of inactivity. If you have a desktop computer with an old-cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor, consider replacing it with a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen. A 14-inch (35-centimeter) LCD monitor uses up to 75 percent less energy than a 14-inch CRT monitor. (

This is just information for you to stay on the right track to reduce energy usage at your house. And don't be fooled by fools out there who know nothing about energy savings and make false claims about this and that.


  1. i never shut down my desktop.. i only turn it off a few hours in a week.. huhuhu

    maybe i need to change the habit when i get back home.. huhuhu

    but not now because it functions as a heater to my room.. another energy saving gadget i guess.. 2 dalam 1.. huhuhu


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