change and second chance

What in this world that doesn't change? At first I thought there should be something that do not change at all. But on a second thought, I think there is nothing in this world that doesn't change at all. living and non living things do change whenever there is a need to change or because of external or internal forces (could be anything).

I just want to talk about human in particular here not something else. I've seen so many people change through out the years that I've been friends with them. There are people who changed from good to not really good as well as vice versa. It depends on what your culture or religion is actually to think about good or bad because it is subjective. That is another important thing to keep in mind. After going through a lot of things in overseas, I can say that I myself changed in many aspects - knowledge, maturity, physical and many others.

But it is sad to some to see some have gone over the line and becoming something that think it is not appropriate to be. I don't know how to elaborate it. But it is also sad to some to see some have gone back behind the line that they crossed before. haha.. this is weird. right. but let it be...

Here I want to talk about second chance. Did you know that they have changed? If you do why not give them a second chance? For maybe they are changing because of you. Some people change because they are motivated as well as they are given some kind of enlightenment for the One they truly believe in. I read an article before I wrote this and referring to it now. It says that there are two types of cheats. One time cheat and serial cheats.

I just want to talk about one time cheat,

"One-time cheats make a genuine mistake. They regret it. They hate themselves for the fact that they have cheated. They are frightened by what they have lost or nearly lost – the person they truly love. Caught or not, they won’t do it again."

Actually I don't even know what message I'm trying to tell you readers out there. But somehow I want you to know that by giving someone a second chance is like mending something that you may like for the rest of your life. Who knows? Provided they are changing or even trying hard to change or have changed. :D


  1. "everyone deserves a second chance"

    betul ke? kalau dah berjanji nak berubah. tapi masih tak berjaya dikotakan. berbaloikah peluang itu?

    "if u can't say something good, don't say anything at all" (your words)

    memang kita takkan pasti apa yg akan berlaku di masa hadapan. tapi kalau dah boleh agak dan boleh ukur baik buruk apa yg mungkin berlaku, perlukah/sanggupkah semua org mengambil risiko?


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