First of all.. this is a story... this has nothing to do with anything... I made it up. For fun sake. So if you'd like to read just read it... or maybe send the add to someone else to read it.. should be noise.. Huwawahaha... >:) evil laughing ..

Wow what a drag... I couldn't believe it that I survive the whole semester in IPBA. Yes. IPBA. The organisation that doesn't know how to organise themselves. Yes they don't. I'm not a kind of person who likes to blaber about something that doesn't actually exist (okay okay... u got me... I know I talk about aliens) but this time lets make a story of IPBA. Oh by the way, I think you don't know what IPBA is.. it's an acronym for International Pressurisation of Boys (also Girls) Academy.

So where shall I start? Ok ok.. lets start with the first day I came to the place after years being in overseas. Ok.. I know that Malaysia is a third world country but this place called IPBA doesn't look like any third world country at all..yeah.. worst than that. What.. so what even though it is built in KL. Whoah... Glamorous eh to be in the city. When I first got there in the apartment that I live in It was so 'crazy' ok messy.. hurm what shall I describe it? cluttered? oh worst than that. I'm not thesaurus or anything but I can't describe it in words.. wait.. I just did. extra information about the place. When I left the place like 3 years ago it was still 'beautiful'..the doors still had lock and knob. no holes. and clean too. Toilets were clean and no moles.. carpet were soft and can sleep on it. an everything was clean. I thought after I came back to further my studies there, the place would be nice because the head is still the same.. (Dr. Saw D. Piss).. he should have known how the living conditions are like for the students there and he should have acted. In order to make the place liveable. I don't think anyone will let their child live in the place if they knew how it was like.. or they had to cause they had to.. yeah most of the students there only got 600 to 700 something per month and that's not enuff if they want to rent outside.
OKay.. the living conditions at the academy is horrible. I can say that the place is nice but no maintenance and no supervision at all by this Saw Piss made it a horrible place to live. I had to live there anyway. here are why the place is horrible:-

  • The buildings are being eaten by termites. Yes termites and you can see lots of termites holes in every floors of any buildings. I don't think the buildings are safe but still have to live in it. I don't think they get any Certificate of Fitness for it.. unless some bribery is done.
  • There is a big construction site near the buildings. Oh they are building a 5 Stars living spaces for famous and rich. OK whoever they are the place seems posh and expensive to own.. whatever.. so u can imagine how noisy the place an be... the piling.. the fucking drilling.. the bulldozer the crane etc... fuck it's noisy.. how to study if like that?
  • Let me tell you there are three toilets in an apartment and 2 shower rooms. and how many that works? ehemm... one toilet and 2 shower rooms.. Ok that's my apartment anyway.. idk about other apartments.
  • This is a minor case.. during a heavy downpoor studnets couldn't get to the academic blocks cause they have no umbrella. I sugggest they put roofs olong the sidewalk.. oh wait..there is no side walk.. fuck.. ok ok..contruct a sidewalk and put roof on top.. would be nice..
  • FOOD? ok lemme tell u that foods sold at the canteen or nearby restaurants are boring... ok remove the curfew and life will be better..
  • I think they need to buy new pillows.. whatever..pillows there are stink and use ur own guys or else you'll die..
  • seriously not many trees. plant more. students are roasted to death in their rooms. or install ac in every apartment. doesn't cost u much. why u can do it for the MTCP (My Teaching Career is Puny) and can't do it for the IPBA studnets? THEIR PARENTS PAY TAXES.. these MTCP? they are eating our TAXES. . HElL
Ok that's it... I'm too lazy to continue with the academic block.. lecturers.. etc.. laters..

PS: WHAtever!!!


  1. bullshit kiseki! Stop whinging!

  2. haha. ur writing is as funny and witty as ever. :D

    yet, i hope you could express more appreciation towards the world you live in.

    p/S: i wouldn't want to be in such a place like ipba as well. LOL

  3. who is that? It's my blog! u don't have to read it if you don't like it. I just want constructive and creative comments. huhu.. not destructive one.. wohoooo

  4. its not so bad la. u just have to put in a bit of effort at the beginning of the year to clean your apartment. I'd recommend bang easy off for the moulds. they work like magic!

  5. by the way,

    IPBA sucks as ever.what a terrible nightmare for me. and the hypocrites lecturers too! what a deep sigh for live in disdain IPBA!!


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