
I felt like crying just now after my computer showed my photos of the past 2 years when I was In New Zealand. I really am missing those days that I cannot  get back now. Life is very unlike living in New Zealand here in Malaysia. I do know why. In Malaysia I don’t have much freedom as I had back then in New Zealand. Studying is the best time of my life I guess besides falling in love. I never said that i hate New Zealand or Malaysia because both countries have their own characteristics because of the different spices that they used to marinate their country. If only I had more time and money, I’d go back to New Zealand and visit all the places that I had been. If I could I would like to stay in the country forever. Of course there are something that I hate in Malaysia and New Zealand but I prefer to stay in New Zealand even though I couldn’t taste Malaysian food of all year summer, I just prefer to stay in New Zealand. I really hope that I can get lots of money and travel around the world. That is my premier plan so far. I just want to get lots of money for myself  and go as far as I could. I plan to stay in all the countries in the world. In each country I’ll spend 6 months or more if I like it. I’d just want to travel and live nomad and of course I’d buy some property on some country as my summer or winter house. My friends are right about it, everyone of them wants to leave the country whenever they have a chance. I’ll watch out for the chance too actually. I just want to travel away from my comfort zone. I want to see the worlds that I just hear or see thru papers or tv. I want to see it for real. :) Whatever people say, I will love New Zealand and even though I am just a migrant there to study but I really felt like home. I just love it so much. I want to be a New Zealander and I want to be a Wellingtonian or Welly as we called it. I love NZ/ I love Malaysian too. Anyone who’d like to donate for my return please contact me thru my comments. Leave a message about how to get big money.  





  1. i miss uni too. that was the best time ever in my life. xoxo.
    P.S. good effort on the videos!!

  2. perhaps you should just continue to study. being a student was so convenient. you could gain knowledge and be in your fave place at the same time.

  3. u wanna get rich??? thats simple... u just have to rob a rich guy's house...u can cosider it as lending some money so u won't feel guilty...;p


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