Testing Windows Live Writer


This is my first test after I have downloaded Windows Live Writer and I find it interesting as I can just write my blog here even when I am offline. Before this I can’t write my blog if I don’t have any internet connection. I need to use the compose a new post on the website itself instead of write first and post later like this one. I also included interesting plug-ins that I need not to worry about finding it on the internet to put up my photos, place a map here, or video or tags. It’s as easy as 1 2 3 4. haha..

The page also looks similar like the one in your blog’s page as it downloaded the template of your blog beforehand. So, you can actually see how your post is going to be like as you’re typing. Like I can see how it’s going to look like in the page after I have posted it. Therefore, I can edit here and there to make it look interesting and also to make it match the colour of my blog. :P Besides, at the bottom left corner of the software, there is “Edit, Preview, and Source”. You can preview how your post going to be like with your other posts and for Source, you can add stuff if you know html codes. I’d rather not to use that sources cause I don’t know anything about html code. lol. I prefer using the basic one. It’s easier for people like me. That’s it for the day. Chiow. Selamat!

Thanks for reading my blog. I love you guys. Suggest to me what I should write okay by giving comments. By doing that I know what to write about or else I just wait till i get some ideas. :) Bubbye



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