To cane or not to cane Kartika?

Here is another controversial story that has been covered by so many major newspaper in this word. I read the that news from, Australian News ( and BBC.

Why do they really care about this Malaysian women that is about to be caned for consuming beer? I really think that they need to say no word for it because a law is a law and you should know better about a law. Every country’s law is different and so as Malaysian law.

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In a nut shell, I don’t really care about Kartika because she was the one who started it anyway. She shouldn’t be drinking beer for she is a Muslim woman. She should know better and I think that is why she didn’t want to plead against the court decision. Any how drinkers will get a severe punishment in the hereafter. It is really something that Muslim frown upon when something likes this occurs. I think it’s better that she is caned now instead of a later punishment by God. It’s more severe.

Read this article to know some other Muslims who drink :About!. Even though they try to hide it from their parents or whoever, they just have to remember their religion is not made by people. It’s made by God. So surely, there are punishments in during the judgement day.

I don’t want to say anything more lest I’d be attacked. WohOoo… :P

May God Bless Us!


  1. hey i like this post of true right, some things are just not debatable..n another thing that struck me is, y is she the only one that is to be bout the other people who r drinking in the nightclubs and stuffs..y is she the only one me this news could be an eye opener..hmm..dont u think so?


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