
Showing posts from 2009

The Day You Went Away

This is a song for the girls that I am going to miss and I am missing at the moment. I really enjoyed teaching the girls and they were really nice to me. I was touched by the gifts and things that they said in their cards and some of them even made it themselves and they were being really creative. I saw the video that form 2E made for me. It was really sad. I wish I had never have to leave them and wanting to teach them better and try to educate them better as well. However, life is like that. In life there are meetings and people should never say good bye instead people would always say SEE YOU AGAIN for there is still hope that we can meet again. I never thought that I’d love the school. I received so many gifts from you girls. Thank you so much for giving me great gifts and your words on your cards really touched my heart. I was almost broke into tears when I was about to leave you girls but I didn’t want to do such thing. It was really hard for me to start the engine and to drive

To Fast or Not to Fast?

Like I have a choice by being Muslim and I surely have to fast during Ramadhan. Oh wait, not every muslim in this world who fast during Ramadhan. I just know because I see it myself and I know it myself, not just this Ramadhan but also past Ramadhans as well. I sincerely say it here that I may not be as pious as some other people to write about religious stuff but hey lets just read it and then we know okay. I just want to spread the knowledge to you guys who read my blog and thanks for that. This is the sentence taken from the Qur'an, it says “O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious)” [al-Baqarah 2:183] Okay, now we have the evidence saying that now only now but people before us had fasting during Ramadhan. I have no idea since when though but they had. So we should follow this beautiful tradition of ours and besides it's not simply a tradition but


I felt like crying just now after my computer showed my photos of the past 2 years when I was In New Zealand. I really am missing those days that I cannot  get back now. Life is very unlike living in New Zealand here in Malaysia. I do know why. In Malaysia I don’t have much freedom as I had back then in New Zealand. Studying is the best time of my life I guess besides falling in love. I never said that i hate New Zealand or Malaysia because both countries have their own characteristics because of the different spices that they used to marinate their country. If only I had more time and money, I’d go back to New Zealand and visit all the places that I had been. If I could I would like to stay in the country

Testing Windows Live Writer

  This is my first test after I have downloaded Windows Live Writer and I find it interesting as I can just write my blog here even when I am offline. Before this I can’t write my blog if I don’t have any internet connection. I need to use the compose a new post on the website itself instead of write first and post later like this one. I also included interesting plug-ins that I need not to worry about finding it on the internet to put up my photos, place a map here, or video or tags. It’s as easy as 1 2 3 4. haha.. The page also looks similar like the one in your blog’s page as it downloaded the template of your blog beforehand. So, you can actually see how your post is going to be like as you’re typing. Like I can see how it’s going to look like in the page after I have posted it. Therefore, I can edit here and there to make it look interesting and also to make it match the colour of my blog. :P Besides, at the bottom left

To cane or not to cane Kartika?

Here is another controversial story that has been covered by so many major newspaper in this word. I read the that news from , Australian News ( and BBC . Why do they really care about this Malaysian women that is about to be caned for consuming beer? I really think that they need to say no word for it because a law is a law and you should know better about a law. Every country’s law is different and so as Malaysian law. View Larger Map In a nut shell, I don’t really care about Kartika because she was the one who started it anyway. She shouldn’t be drinking beer for she is a Muslim woman. She should know better and I think that is why she didn’t want to plead against the court decision. Any how drinkers will get a severe punishment in the hereafter. It is really something that Muslim frown upon when something likes this occurs. I think it’s better that she is caned now instead of a later punishment by God. It’s more severe. Read this article to know some other M

Malaysia - Pulau Redang / Redang Island

  After months now I have some time to review about the island that I went to in June, 2009. I went there with colleagues of the same University. It was not arranged my me though. It was arranged by the team members and I just followed where ever they went. Pulau Redang is well known for its beautiful coral reefs and its marine park. It is well known because of its untouched beauty (may be overrated) and amazing coral reefs not too deep under the crystal clear blue sea. It was amazing when I first got there because the water was so clear and I could see schools of fish swimming near the jetties and gathering around human whenever they see any. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first got there. New Zealand is nothing compared to its marine beauty. The lush green palm trees were swaying as if they were dancing hawaiian welcom dance to welcome us there. The cooling breeze made the place even warmer and better. The island is separated into a few parts that I know off. There ar

Bad Communist!

Wanita hilang 25 ahli keluarga angkara kekejaman komunis KANGAR: "Berderau darah makcik apabila mendengar usaha membawa Chin Peng pulang selepas mengenang 25 ahli keluarga, termasuk abang kandung sendiri terbunuh dan hilang disebabkan kekejaman komunis," kata pesara guru, Izon Kamaluddin, 72, semalam. Katanya, beliau sudah berjanji dengan arwah ibu, Che Pah Md Bidin dan kakak mahu melupakan peristiwa 63 tahun lalu di Kampung Layang-Layang Kiri, Parit, Perak serta reda dengan kehilangan dan kematian ramai anggota keluarga. "Saya tidak pernah bercerita mengenai kekejaman komunis atau dikenali Bintang Tiga kepada sesiapa pun, termasuk kepada suami, Ahmad Ismail, selepas berpindah dari Parit kerana sayu mengenangkannya. "Tetapi apabila mendengar berita Chin Peng, pemimpin kanan Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) ingin dibawa pulang ke Malaysia.. ingatan makcik kembali segar mengenang peristiwa di Kampung Layang-Layang Kiri," katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya di Padang Pa

Politik Wang / Money and Politics / Rasuah / Bribes / Corruptions / Transparency

Bisamillah ar rahman ar rahim - Alhamdulillah rabbilamin Thank you Allah for giving me strength and power and mind to think and inspiration for this post. Bribery as we all know is very detrimental to the nation we live in. When I was in New Zealand last year, I was halted my a policeman because I was caught for speeding. Yes, I know I broke the rule but I didn't realise that I was speeding until the police was behind me. I was speeding at 100 Km/H and the speed limit was 100 k. In New Zealand the speed limit is never beyond 100K. Because I'm too used to driving in Malaysia with speed limit 110 KM/j. Then I pulled over at the roadside. The police was strict. Didn't really initiate much conversation and he just asked for my passport and driving licence. He told me that I was speeding and going to give me ticket. He just explained to me how to make the payment and I can appeal to the court of justice if I refused to do it. That was in New Zealand and no wonder their transpare

Photos that tell its own stories

Burung Belatuk! Cantik sebenarnyer. :) Ini Buah Durian. Sky at my house Bunga Kertas Bunga Kertas yang cantik. So, these photos are taken around my house and my durian orchard of course. :P I have nothing in mind at the moment and I just want to show my 'interesting' photos.

Is it real?

Hello all, Another post during this school break. Here I am literally doing nothing at home so I decided to write another blog about Qur'an. I came across these new islamic websites which is and I found an interesting article that says Qur'an is real and you cannot challenge it. Oh I found that it is true. I believe in what Qur'an says and that makes me a Muslim. :) Here are the thing:- How can Muslims be assured that the Qur'an is the Word of God? Muslims are assured for several reasons that the Qur’an is indeed the Word of God. Here are eight reasons : 1. Physical incapacity. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was physically incapable to write the Qur’an. History has him as an unlettered man who could not write anything more than his own name. How could he write a book? 2. Sincerity. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was morally constrained to tell the truth about the origin of the Qur’an. He was noted to be so honest and trustworthy that even his e


First of all.. this is a story... this has nothing to do with anything... I made it up. For fun sake. So if you'd like to read just read it... or maybe send the add to someone else to read it.. should be noise.. Huwawahaha... >:) evil laughing .. Wow what a drag... I couldn't believe it that I survive the whole semester in IPBA. Yes. IPBA. The organisation that doesn't know how to organise themselves. Yes they don't. I'm not a kind of person who likes to blaber about something that doesn't actually exist (okay okay... u got me... I know I talk about aliens) but this time lets make a story of IPBA. Oh by the way, I think you don't know what IPBA is.. it's an acronym for International Pressurisation of Boys (also Girls) Academy. So where shall I start? Ok ok.. lets start with the first day I came to the place after years being in overseas. Ok.. I know that Malaysia is a third world country but this place called IPBA doesn't look like any third world

After A LOOOOONG SEMESTER - Here IS another Post!

Kampung Baru Kuala Lumpur Kampung Baru Kuala Lumpur Again, I do not know much to talk about so I want to talk about the experience that I had when I was at Kampung Baru, KL. I wanted to eat somewhere far a way from where I live because it's boring to eat at Mamak and they are not so hygienic. Haha.. It’s funny that I said that Mamak stalls are not hygienic at all. Oh well, number one thing that I really hate is that it’s really difficult to find car parking space there because the place is not built to accommodate any transport years ago. I have no idea when Kg. Baru is established though. I went around and around the same place just to find a parking space and I could believe it that. Then I found a parking space but it was parallel and I was freaking out. :P I was not good in parking parallely. So I kina causing this small traffic congestion at the road. Another major problem was the road is too narrow and it can exactly fit 2 cars. After a terrible and exhausting parking experie

Mari memboikot McDonald's

McDonals ialah rangkaian restaurant makanan segera yang popular bukan sahaja di Malaysia bahkan di merata dunia. Ini termasuklah di negera-negara islam sendiri. Makanan yang disajikan oleh rangkaian restauran makanan segera ini memang sudah diketahui ramai yang ia tidak elok untuk kesihatan. Ini terbukti dengan hanya melihat/membaca menu makanan yang dipaparkan di restauran-restauran tersebut. Sila baca untuk mengetahu lebih lanjut. Tetapi laman web itu tidak memberikan maklumat yang terperinci mengenai kandungan kalori yang terdapat pada makanan yang disaji mereka. Jadi, marilah kita beramai-ramai mencuba sedaya upada kita untuk memulaukan rangkaian McD. Sekiranya kita beramai-ramai memulaukan ia kita pasti akan berjaya. Ini seperti reaksi berantai yang akan berjaya. (chain reaction) ____________________________ Lama juga untuk memikirkan cara-cara yang boleh kita ambil untuk membantu mengalahkan atau sekurangnya melemahkan Is

Happy New Year!! Welcome 2009

Hello and welcome to this Blog. I'm the Blogger wishing you a very HappY New Year 2009. May this Year bring prosperity and good Luck to Me!

Should You Give Them a Second Chance?

What in this world that doesn't change? At first I thought there should be something that does not change at all. But on a second thought, I think there is nothing in this world that doesn't change at all. Living and non living things do change whenever there is a need to change in order to adapt to their environment could it be the internal or external forces that made it change. In this note, I'd like to talk about relationship between you and your partner. It doesn't matter whether you have broken up the relationship or in the process of breaking it. I've seen so many people changed through out the years that I've been friends with them. Changes that they show sometimes surprised me and sometimes it is predicted that they'll behave so here and there. This includes friends who have changed from good to not really good and vice versa. It depends on what your culture or religion is actually to think about good or bad because it is subjective. So it is a matt